Sunday, June 22, 2008

Nearing the end...

Well, it's been a long time. A lot has happened!

Gavin and Angela left the farm, the biggest picnic ever was a success with 49 people I didn't know attend, we built a new movable greenhouse, I planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, and basil in greenhouses, I also planted 16 rows of corn along with both summer and winter squash, spent a day on a farm in east sooke and learned about dairy cows and how to make cheese, keifer, and yogurt in exchange for shoveling tons of wheelbarrows full of cow manure, my brother, Nick, and his friends visited me, had the first and last harvest of my carrots (56 bunches at 8oz each), the pigs became pork, visited my cousins on Lasgueti island, and made the decision to leave the farm!

Yup, that's's time. I've been feeling a bit lonely and isolated the past few months (I'm such a social creature who loves people!). And although I love the farm and the lifestyle I've been living, I think it is time for the next chapter in the life of Natalie Constance Brubaker. It is really hard to leave in the middle of the season, but I have been here a full year. I really miss the landscape of the east coast...and especially the trees that live there. I didn't realize how important pines, dogwoods, maples, tulip poplars, hickories, walnuts, beech, hop hornbeam, and oaks are to me...and that rancid peanut butter smell of the Kentucky coffee tree. The trees have really developed a sense of place for me and I think it is time to return. Not to say that I don't love the douglas furs, cedars, and arbutus trees of the west coast...but it is just not where I belong.

I will be returning to Atlanta the middle of July...but more about that later. Check out my pictures!

Que guapo! How handsome! Greenhouse building.

Pulling the plastic on the greenhouse.

Me and my boys G-vinny (that's his rapper name I gave him) and Coolindell(just cause it's cool) - a good team.

Gavin and Angela (Gavin has issues with the sun...he doesn't normally look like that)

Exactly 49 people showed up to the picnic!

Marika, Holger, and I

The pigs before their big day-o-death.

The pigs finally graduated to pork.

Squash new born

Squash toddler

Squash adolescent

The Three Amigos

The Flirtacious Poppy (makes me weak in the knees!)

Lush Lupin Leaf

Radishes in all their glory

Saturday morning bouquets